Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pirates at the ICPA? Don't Forget Your Marine Insurance!

It seems as though we were just at the International Compliance Professionals Association's annual seminar (actually it really wasn't that long ago). Now we find ourselves again in the beginning stages of planning for next year's event. The greatest suprise of all.....the theme! This year in Orlando, FL all of us compliance professionals will be walking around dressed as Jack Sparrow and I'm sure at least one or two jokesters will be decked out in Pittsburg Pirate gear. I hope that's no one at TRG!

Well it is still months away, but it is such a fun and educational conference that we look forward to it every year. At the conference we showcase our direct filing system, TRG Direct. We leave the Customs bonds and marine insurance at home, although with a pirate theme this year we should sneak our marine insurance in!

So that's all we know for now...pirates, but that's enough to get my head spinning! ARGGGG

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